Science Gateway Description

Infrastructure Integration Roadmap Task

Task Type(s): Coordination, Support
Start by phase: Integration
Complete by phase: Integration
Operator role(s): Gateway administrator


The science gateway provider registers their gateway with ACCESS to provide publicly accessible and internally accessible information about the science gateway.

Prerequisite tasks

  1. The science gateway provider must have completed Science Gateway Resource Requests

Support Information

For assistance with this task see the Support Information section in the Infrastructure Integration Roadmap Description.

Detailed Instructions

The science gateway provider must create an Integration and Operations Request

  • Provide an appropriate title

  • Set ACCESS Operational Support Issues to ACCESS-wide: Provider Integration - Infrastructure Integration and Roadmaps

  • Set Infrastructure Type: Science Gateway and specify the Science gateway name

  • Include all the details of the gateway in the description. Please use the following template.

Institution Name: 
Science Gateway Name: 
Public URL: 
Short Name: 
Short Description: 
Associated allocation ID(s): 
Status (in development or in production): 
Production date (when did/will it become): 

Gateway PI: 
    First name, Last name <email>
Gateway co-PIs: 
    First name, Last name <email>
    First name, Last name <email>
Gateway administrator(s): 
    First name, Last name <email>
    First name, Last name <email>
Cybersecurity and incident response contact(s):
    First name, Last name <email>
    First name, Last name <email>
Integration coordinator: 
    First name, Last name <email>

Integration coordinator is the contact person from the science gateway side working with the ACCESS concierge on the integration process.

Once the ticket is created, it will be reviewed by the ACCESS concierge and will get back to you for additional information. And then the ACCESS concierge would create/update the information in the ACCESS website. The task is completed when the gateway information is published to the ACCESS website.

ACCESS may periodically review registration information to confirm that it is correct. Gateway providers should create subsequent tickets in the future to update the information.