ACCESS OnDemand Portal Integration V1
Infrastructure Integration Roadmap Task
Task Type(s): Technology
Start by phase: Integration
Complete by phase: Ongoing
RP role(s): System administrator(s)
This task provides Resource Providers instructions on how to deploy an ACCESS integrated OnDemand portal. This task will generally be performed by RP system administrators.
Prerequisite tasks
Support Information
For assistance with this task see the Support Information section in the Integration Roadmap Description.
Detailed Instructions
Install Open OnDemand. Refer to the open ondemand installation documentation.
Register / document ACCESS OnDemand portal availability
In the Support Portal
Check to validate that your OnDemand instance is listed on the OnDemand Support Page
If it is not, then click the link to Submit a Ticket. Please include the following information.
Institution Name
OnDemand Resource Name
Your Logo, with a width of about 300 pixels and the height relative to the width.
Your OnDemand Portal URL.
Install and set up the
Python script (following its README) for sending OnDemand log data via HTTPS POST to the ACCESS Metrics team for inclusion in ACCESS XDMoD.
Integrate with ACCESS IAM Authentication.
Open OnDemand has documenatation for integrating OnDemand with ACCESS authentication.
Add the ACCESS Menu
You can optionally add a menu to Open OnDemand’s navigation bar for links back to ACCESS resources.
OSC provides a ACCESS Menu package with documentation on how to install additional packages or configure OnDemand to show this new ACCESS menu.