Online Service Documentation v1
Infrastructure Integration Roadmap Task
Task Type(s): Support
Start by phase: Integration
Complete by phase: Operations
RP role(s): Service Contact(s)
The purpose of this task is to ensure that the online service operator provides the documentation needed by service users. Documentation should be published through one of these channels: an website, the Confluence Knowledge Base, or the service’s own web sites.
Prerequisite tasks
Support Information
For assistance with this task see the Support Information section in the Integration Roadmap Description.
Detailed Instructions
Using websites
ACCESS projects may document their online services on their own website or the website of other ACCESS projects where appropriate.
ACCESS Confluence
Online services may provide documentation through one of the following ACCESS confluence spaces, where appropriate:
ACCESS Collaboration Portal - for service only used by other ACCESS services
ACCESS Documentation / Knowledge Base - for services used by ACCESS users
See the Knowledge Base integration task
If a separate workspace may be appropriate, contact the ACO to discuss and request it
Example: ACCESS Ticket System Documentation workspace
Online Service Hosted Documentation
Online services with their own web sites may publish their documentation through those sites.
Describing where documentation is
See the Infrastructure Description task for how to record the documentation URL in the CiDeR online service description.