CONECTnet Integration v1
Infrastructure Integration Roadmap Task
Task Type(s): {Coordination, Technology, Support}
Start by phase: {Planning, Integration, Operations}
Complete by phase: {Planning, Integration, Operations, Ongoing}
RP role(s): Data and networking contact(s)
CONECTnet is the wide area network infrastructure and services that connect ACCESS RPs and participant sites. In most cases, the Internet2 Research and Education (R&E) network will be the WAN provider. However, due to financial or other constraints, some sites’ only connectivity option may be via a commodity Internet service provider. In either case, ACCESS CONECT network engineers are available to work with the connecting sites to help with integration questions and optimize their network performance.
CONECTnet participants are encouraged to take advantage of network measurement and test infrastructure that is available through Internet2 and also through participation in an ACCESS perfSONAR mesh.
Prerequisite tasks
Support Information
For assistance with this task see the Support Information section in the Integration Roadmap Description.
Detailed Instructions
To integrate with CONECTnet we request that you complete a Site Survey, schedule a meeting with Data
Steps to integrate with CONECTnet:
RP network engineers fill out the CONECTnet Site Survey. This may require collaboration input from the RP’s system administrators and applications support personnel.
Submit a ACCESS ticket requesting to participate in CONECTnet, mentioning that you have completed the CONECTnet Site Survey.
The CONECTnet team will acknowledge receipt of a connection request within 3 days and schedule a follow up meeting to review the CONECTnet Site Survey and plan the next steps.
perfSONAR mesh testing is available for any site that chooses to participate (10Gb/s throughput/loss/latency)
Is this tied to CONECTnet Integration?
DNS is being provided by CONECTnet for