Request Science Gateway Allocation

Infrastructure Integration Roadmap Task

Task Type(s): Coordination, Support
Start by phase: Integration
Complete by phase: Operations
Operator role(s): Gateway administrator


A science gateway provider needs to have an active allocation for their science gateway. This can be done before or after the Science Gateway Description v1 tasks have been completed.

Prerequisite tasks


Support Information

For assistance with this task see the Support Information section in the Integration Roadmap Description.

Detailed Instructions

ACCESS allocations are exchanged for computing time and other resources or services provided by ACCESS resource providers. Allocations can be used for provisioning computing resources for software executions on high performance computers, for data storage, and for virtual machines to host services.

The science gateway provider requests an ACCESS allocation through the standard process described at

Under certain circumstances, a science gateway provider can request multiple allocations:

  • A gateway provider can have a separate research allocation.

  • A gateway provider who operates multiple science gateway can have one allocation per gateway.

Effort level varies by the request track. See for more information. Science gateway providers can request allocations of any size.

Depending on the size of the allocation request, this step could take days to weeks before the award is made.