Leverage Science Gateways Center of Excellence (SGX3) Services

Seeking additional support for your science gateway? Work with the Science Gateways Center of Excellence (SGX3):

Usability Consultancy: The SGX3 Usability Team can help create a new user interface or improve an existing design. Apply for a usability consultation at https://sciencegateways.org/work-with-us.

Technical Consultancy: SGX3 is here to provide advice on choosing the best platform for your project. You can also request embedded development support - a great option if you need a developer for a small period of work or need a novel expert to help integrate your science into your gateway. Request a technical consultation at https://sciencegateways.org/work-with-us.

Sustainability Training: Seeking how to sustain your science gateway financially? Learn to articulate your project’s value, define stakeholder interactions, and explore funding models at an SGX3 sustainability training workshop. Learn more at https://sciencegateways.org/education-training/sustainability-training.

SGX3 Workforce Development: Interested in receiving mentoring, career development, or participating in a hackathon for incorporating science gateways into the classroom? Discover some of our Workforce Development offerings at https://sciencegateways.org/education-training/.

Contact Us: Want to work with us? Request a consult, share a letter of collaboration, or ask a question by emailing help@sciencegateways.org.