ACCESS Integrated Science Gateway

Infrastructure Integration Roadmap Description

Infrastructure Type(s)

A science portal or science gateway is a community-developed set of tools, applications, and data integrated through a web-based portal or a suite of applications. They provide access to tools used in cutting-edge research – telescopes, seismic shake tables, supercomputers, sky surveys, undersea sensors, and more. These gateways often connect diverse resources and make them easily accessible, lowering the barriers traditionally required to access these resources.

This roadmap integrates a science gateway service ( Science gateways provide web-based interfaces that link advanced cyberinfrastructure (CI) components to enhance usability. The CI components linked by a science gateway differ based on specific user community needs, but can consist of one or more of the following components: High performance computing (HPC), data management, cloud-based resources, high throughput computing (HTC), user management, and authentication, authorization, and other security services.


The ACCESS program ( enables researchers and educators to gain access to advanced computing, visualization, and data resources to accomplish their research or classroom objectives using an allocations process described at

This roadmap details the tasks that a gateway providing organization must perform to make their gateway operational within the ACCESS environment. These tasks cover all aspects of integration and production operations of the gateway, including coordination, technical integration tasks, and ongoing support activities.

If you are interested in seeing more support directly on your science gateway, you can contact the Science Gateways Center of Excellence for technical support, usability consulting, and other community support. Apply for support at

Operator Information

Operators planning to integrate a science gateway into ACCESS with this roadmap should contact ACCESS Operations to start the integration process (see details in the first task below). ACCESS Operations will assign a Concierge Integration Expert to provide personalized hands-on assistance with the integration process, schedule an online meeting between the gateway provider staff and ACCESS staff to launch the integration process, and provide instructions on how to track the integration progress.

Operators must perform the Required Tasks below and may perform the Optional Tasks below.

Support Information

Submit a Request: Science gateway providers needing assistance with integration tasks can submit an ACCESS Integration and Operation Support Request using instructions on this page. Pick an “ACCESS Operational Support Issues” that best matches your request, or the catch-all issue type “ACCESS-wide: Provider Integration - Infrastructure Integration and Roadmaps“.

Slack Discussion: ACCESS has a Slack channel for infrastructure operators and ACCESS to discuss integration topics. For access submit a request to be invited to the RP-ACCESS #integration-roadmaps Slack channel. This Slack channel will be used for ACCESS Resource Providers and ACCESS Allocated Science Gateways.

By Weekly Meetings: ACCESS holds a Zoom meeting every second Friday from 11:00 AM to Noon Central for infrastructure operators and ACCESS to discuss integration topics. To obtain Zoom coordinates submit a request for the RP and ACCESS Roadmaps Zoom meeting coordinates. This meeting will be used for ACCESS Resource Providers and ACCESS Allocated Science Gateways.

Integration Consultants: ACCESS integrated science gateway providers have a Concierge Integration Expert consultant available for one-on-one integration support.

General Science Gateway Consultants: Seeking technical advice, direct access to a gateway developer, a usability review of your gateway, or sustainability consulting? You can receive these and more by requesting help from the Science Gateways Center of Excellence (SGX3). Apply for support at


Planning phase

  1. Coordination: ACCESS Science Gateway Integration Coordination v1

Integration/Operations phase(s)

  1. Request Science Gateway Allocation

  2. Science Gateway Description

  3. Request Science Gateway Resources

  4. ACCESS Affinity Groups and Science Gateways

  5. Request Science Gateway Community Accounts

  6. Science Gateway Usage Reporting

  7. SGX3 Services